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Monday, August 14, 2017

Fallen Heir by Erin Watt

Momma scored an ARC of the newest Erin Watt book "Fallen Heir" - insert happy dance!!

Some spoilers ahead ;) 

First, let me start off by saying I'm not a fan of shoot off novels.  You know the ones I'm talking about? Where the storyline is CLEARLY over but the author keeps squeezing out mediocre novels while trying to ride the momentum of the original story? I'm looking at you Cassandra Clare!

I LOVED the first three books in the Royals series.  LOVED THEM! So, honestly, my expectations for this book were a mix of extremely high and depressingly low.  I mean, how can you compete with the first three books?

That being said - this book exceeded every expectation for me.  And I had a lot of them.  This wasn't what I was expecting at all!  If you would have told me that two women who write romantic novels wrote this book, I would have laughed in your face.  It's like Jen and Elle transported themselves into an eighteen year old boy's body.  I have four younger brothers, so I'm not saying I'm an expert on the teenage boy psyche... but I'm pretty much an expert ;) 

Easton is probably the most realist character I've ever read.  He's not cavalier.  He's not perfect.  He's freaking hilarious and endearing and flawed.  So flawed.  Have you met a teenage boy that's not messed up in some way?  No, you haven't.  And Erin Watt captured that perfectly.  Does Easton harbor feelings for Hartley?  Yes.  Would he jump into bed with another girl if the opportunity presented itself? Probably.  Because he's sexy and entitled and has no self control.  And he knows it.

Anyways - I'm getting ahead of myself!  I was so impressed with Easton's character.  Reading from his point of view was an absolute joy - especially after reading the first three books through Ella and Reed's eyes.  I expected Easton to be a somewhat watered down version of Reed.  Man, was I mistaken.  His voice is crystal clear and so different from Reed's in the previous books.  And this wasn't the romance I was expecting.  It was just completely out of left field and threw me off after every chapter.  I loved it!

I was just pleased as punch about the whole thing.  

Final Score: 10/10 - you saw that coming, didn't you? 
The story didn't coattail off the last three books.  Easton is an amazing character to read and this book will take you by surprise is the best ways possible!

Quick Rundown: 
Easton Royal has it all: looks, money, intelligence. His goal in life is to have as much fun as possible. He never thinks about the consequences because he doesn’t have to. 

Until Hartley Wright appears, shaking up his easy life. She’s the one girl who’s said no, despite being attracted to him. Easton can’t figure her out and that makes her all the more irresistible. 

Hartley doesn’t want him. She says he needs to grow up. 

She might be right. 

Rivals. Rules. Regrets. For the first time in Easton’s life, wearing a Royal crown isn’t enough. He’s about to learn that the higher you start, the harder you fall.

Heat Index: 2/5 - Nothing too saucy in the love department, but I can only imagine the future books - heavy sigh. 

Now - more of my thoughts, I know you're all dying to read.

Seriously - I'm stoked on this book.  I loved that this book went a little bit deeper than the previous ones.  Easton has issues.  Big ones.  Addiction - and not a fluffy, passing-by addiction added just for fun. His addiction issues run deep.. really deep.  We get a peek into just how deep seeded his problems are in this book.  It was so interesting to read.  If you've known anyone with addiction issues - EW pretty much nails it on the head.  I felt like I was reading a book by Tijan - which, in my humble opinion, is about the highest compliment ever :)  There was so much depth I wasn't expecting.

Hartley was an interesting character.  Do I like her?  The verdict is still out.  I want to, but I'm still not sure.  She has issues, too, of the familial variety.  She really is a twin soul to Easton - in ways that you don't really see coming.  

The whole gang makes appearances - Ella, Reed (via phone), Val, the Twins, Lauren, Gideon and Savannah.  Some of the new additions fill the holes that Wade and Jordan leave open.  And they're just as awesome as the originals!  Freakin' Felicity (shakes head and rolls eyes).  When you read this book PLEASE come back and tell me how much you want to bitch slap that girl.  I need moral support on this, so just do it.  One aspect I particularly enjoyed was Easton's take on the Twins' relationship with Lauren.  Oooooh - shit's brewing and it's going to be good!! 

SO! When all is said and done - Fallen Heir basically knocked my socks off.  I have four week old twins who are up literally all night -and I stayed up while they were sleeping so I could finish this book.  THAT'S HOW GOOD IT IS!! I can't wait for the next thing Erin Watt gives us! 

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