Welcome to "Not Your Mother's" Book Club!! We've sifted through book after book after book (you're welcome) to bring you the sauciest, addicting, most riveting books of your life.

THE mom's bookshelf

I will review just about anything! But, here are my favorite books that you probably need to read if you want this friendship to continue.  Really, though.

First off - anything by Jane Austen or a twist on a Jane Austen story.  If you don't like Jane Austen... go jump in a river.  Seriously, you know nothing.  I'll still love you, but slightly less than someone who loves Jane Austen. 

The Relentless Series by Karen Lynch

One of THE BEST series I have ever read.  I would give this a million stars out of ten.  It has a little bit of everything.  Romance, suspense, action, comedy, you name it.

The Judgement of the Six Series by Melissa Haag

SO creative!  This is a series where I continually scratch my head and think "how did a human brain come up with this story?"  I've got a mega girl crush on Melissa Haag.  PLUS the Judgement series has companion novels (written from the Male lead's point of view) for each book.  PUT A FORK IN ME, I'M DONE!

The Marked Series by Biana Scardoni

I am literally counting down the days until book three is released.  The first book sucked me in and I think I read the whole thing in one sitting.  There is a massive cliff hanger - so be happy the second book is out!! You can pop a squat next to me on Biana's front lawn and picket for her to write book three as ASAP as possible!

The Revelation Series by Randi Cooley Wilson
HOLY HOT TAMALES.  These books are awesome.  I have a hard time with series longer than trilogies - but this is the first series longer than four books I've actually enjoyed!  You'll fall in love with each character - Randi writes in a way that you'll want to sequester yourself in your closet for a week so you can read uninterrupted.

The Hazards Series by Alyssa Rose Ivy

If you don't like paranormal romances, but still like the quick pace of an action book (minus the action), these books are for you.  The third book (the Hazards of Sex on the Beach) is probably in my top three favorite books of all time.  The series follows a group of sorority girls and their crazy paths to find love - did that turn you off?  Just trust me on this one.  You'll love it!

The Fae Chronicles by Amelia Hutchins

Get your fan ready because these are some of the hottest books you will ever read in your life.  If you love fairies, like I do, you'll be hooked.  I wasn't expecting much from these books, and I was knocked flat on my arse with their awesomeness.  It's fifty shades of grey - minus the kinky bondage and add in the paranormal.  Seriously, tell me something better than

the Call me Cat Trilogy by Alex Lux

Mystery, suspense, action, murder - and a steamy love story.  No paranormal stuff.  I loved this trilogy! I was glued.  I was on the edge of my seat.  I wanted to be sleuthy Catelyn!  Twisty and turny and steamy to boot.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Not Free, but worth $10!

Yeah, you could watch the movie - or you could cry your eyes out wrapped in your snuggie with a pint of Ben and Jerry's.  I think the correct choice is pretty obvious.

The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen

A story about a failed southern belle who binge eats sweets and read romance novels in a secret compartment in her closet.  I would like to say I have nothing in common with Josey, but she's pretty much my spirit animal.  It has a tiny paranormal twist, but it's a great, fast read!

The Shadow Falls Series by C.C. Hunter

After surviving college, getting married, and giving birth to three beautiful babies - this is the series that got me back in tough with my love of reading.  I loved every single book and have reread them all!! An awesome paranormal tale!

And I, of course, love Harry Potter, Twilight, Divergent, The Mortal Instruments, The Hunger Games and the I am Number Four books!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I have just completed the first two e-books in The Seasons of the Succubus quartet of erotic supernatural thrillers, and am offering them completely free for five days. Here are the links. Enjoy.



    P.S. – If you’d like to do me a favor, please leave a review. It would be greatly appreciated.
